Bees: Nature’s Wisest Teachers
If we are to consider nature’s rich and self-sufficient makeup, we find that everything a living organism needs to survive is right around the next tree or over the next hill. Protection from harmful bacteria and viruses, natural vitamins and vital elements, and superfood for the digestive and respiratory systems – and even the brain – are all found in nature. As humans, we are a part of nature. Therefore, by design, the only way to maintain optimal health and performance is to consume natural products. And, one of the best sources of natural medicine is produced by none other than our planet’s beautiful and buzzing bees.
The Magic is in the Bees...
Bees are natural survivors, hard workers, and collaborative creatures of nature. They have developed perfect ways of preserving their species, which has enabled them to survive and thrive throughout the ages. To protect their hives from viruses and bacteria, bees produce the natural antibiotic known as Propolis. To feed their countless workers, bees make honey from plant pollen and nectar. To ensure their Queen lives her full 5-year lifespan, bees feed her a natural superfood known as royal jelly.
...And Their Ancient Knowledge!
At BEE ENRICHED, we believe humans can learn a lot from bees. And we know better than anyone just how much we all can benefit from the natural products they produce. Using bee products, our goal is to enrich the lives of families worldwide. By underpinning bee products with apitherapy and phytotherapy wisdom, we’ve created natural medicines with more benefits than we can count. From balancing the immune system to improving throat health, gut and lung conditions, and eye and skin wellbeing – our bee products are buzzing with health-protective properties.
Healthy living from hive to home. Bee Enriched.
Our natural medicines aren’t only informed by bee products, but also how they come to bee... We delved deep into the hive to figure out how to perfect our formulas with the right ingredients in the right amounts. Today, we specialize in creating bee-powered products that are formulated to queen bee perfection, ensuring that our customers lives and well-being are bee-autifully enriched.